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Can you hear the difference between the Ludwig Bronzephonic and Ludwig Black Beauty?
Ludwig Supraphonic and Black Beauty Snare Drum 6-Way Shootout!
Compare the Snare - Ludwig Raw Brass & Ludwig Black Beauty
Head to Head: Ludwig Brass vs Bronze
Snare Battle! Ludwig Black Beauty, 6.5, Bronze vs Brass
Gretsch Bell Brass vs Ludwig Black Beauty
Bronze Vs. Brass. Which one is your pick? #shorts #comparison #brass #bronze #snaredrum #snare
Comparing a Bronze and Copper Snare drum - which do you prefer?
Ludwig Acro Snare Drums: Copper, Brass, Bronze & Aluminum Compared
The History of The Ludwig Black Beauty with Uli Salazar - Drum History Podcast
Ludwig supraphonic 14" / 6,5" aluminij vs bronze
Playable Vintage Ludwig Snares | Includes C.O.B from the 1920s - Weekly #99